From Emotional Numbness to Wholeness – EP24

This episode is about my personal story of moving from emotional numbness to wholeness, navigating and developing a range of emotions, my perspective on how emotional experience changes over time, and an integrative blend of practices that can help develop emotional capacity and resilience.

Nourish Your Intuition & Know What To Listen To – EP20

Love and be in continual alignment with yourself with the most important tool you have: your intuition! Tune in this week for insights on the topic of listening inward and intuition, nourishing a relationship with your body’s messages, and discerning between intuition and fear-based decision-making.

Cultivating Safety ❤ Self – Love Note

One of the simplest and most loving things you can do for yourself is to feel into safety. Experiment with these simple steps to calibrate your nervous system to current safety and build your capacity to experience everything in life.

Fear Has a Place

Does it feel like you have fears that are unreasonable, out of place, or unrealistic to your life situation? A Message from Fear: I have a place. Fear wants you to locate where it belongs- to honor it’s place. The true context in your history, past life, or lineage.

How to Heal and Grow with Ease : Pendulation

Pendulation describes movement back and forth. In Somatic Experiencing, it is the practice of moving from pleasant to unpleasant, or neutral/ease to challenge.

When you move back and forth from what’s safe to what may feel a bit more challenging, your nervous system is able to integrate small doses at a time and expand its capacity to feel both. It’s akin to taking small bites of your food, chewing it, and taking a breath before going in for more. You shouldn’t take the whole meal at one time!