Fear Has a Place

Does it feel like you have fears that are unreasonable, out of place, or unrealistic to your life situation? A Message from Fear: I have a place. Fear wants you to locate where it belongs- to honor it’s place. The true context in your history, past life, or lineage.

How to Heal and Grow with Ease : Pendulation

Pendulation describes movement back and forth. In Somatic Experiencing, it is the practice of moving from pleasant to unpleasant, or neutral/ease to challenge.

When you move back and forth from what’s safe to what may feel a bit more challenging, your nervous system is able to integrate small doses at a time and expand its capacity to feel both. It’s akin to taking small bites of your food, chewing it, and taking a breath before going in for more. You shouldn’t take the whole meal at one time!

Attuning to Pleasure — Three Ways to Lean into Pleasure

I am a healing junkie in recovery!

My addiction has been longstanding for the last 10 years. I crave moving through my emotions, learning more, doing constant healing work, throwing myself into the next challenge, being triggered and growing.

Once, an energy work practitioner told me that I am like a strong yellow diamond that throws itself onto the toughest surfaces just to see what I’m made of. And it’s true that I get a high from this. I expand and grow; I become stronger and more powerful.

I enjoy all of this and I know myself more deeply. What I want, who I truly am (not all of the beliefs I hold, but the divine consciousness), and the possibilities of who I can be.

How the Body Tells You That Healing is Happening

Click here for a Podcast Episode on The Potency of Tiny Healing Steps Minuscule Healing Steps Good things come in small packages. It’s true. But, what’s this got to do with healing? The body and the nervous system will typically experience what can appear to be unimportant or tiny changes, and if we aren’t aware of these, we can miss … Read More