Claim Your Authority ❤ Self — Love Note

I learned the hard way to never defer my authority. We have the right and freedom to make our own choices and they are ours to have. The truth is that we know deep inside our being what is OUR way at THIS time. This is your authority. Your intuition and core desires are your authority. Of course, you can take input from others and consider these opinions, but each person’s way is exquisitely unique.

Healing the Belief “I Am Not Enough or Good Enough” ❤ Self – Love Note

Sometimes we believe we aren’t enough unless we do or achieve a specific thing, or because we aren’t a certain way or have a certain quality in us. We are all enough because we exist. Try this Self-Love Exercise to support you in transforming your nervous system to calibrate to the belief that You Are Enough.

Gather Yourself: Energize and Re-Charge ❤ Self – Love Note

You have the power to recharge your batteries and re-energize when you need to! When you feel drained or fatigued, it is likely your energy is dispersed and left behind, or there’s an energy leak somewhere. Today we will focus on unifying your dispersed energy so you feel whole and present.

Nick Werber: Death Opens Possibility and Connection – EP37

In this podcast, Nick Werber and I explore how to understand and heal when the trauma wasn’t yours, how acknowledging death in the picture brings more possibility and connection, when retelling your story is unhelpful, the rules of belonging that can hinder us, becoming aware of the filters that helped us in the past but become intrusive now, and the collective trauma leading to competition and rivalry. With our personal stories and alchemy combined, this conversation with Nick gives you a taste of how we invite each other to learn and renew inspiration!