The Simple Things ❤ Self – Love Note

Love yourself with an essential practice of appreciating the simple things in life and embodying the experience… When we feel safe, we are able to engage more in our lives. We can be more creative, present, and connected with ourselves and others.

Challenge Every Belief ❤ Self – Love Note

A HUGE way to love yourself – your essential being, the core of you that is interconnected with the whole – is to know the freedom and truth of who you are and who you are not. Delve into the nuances of your experience to unearth the beliefs that go undetected and live in your life.

Nick Werber: Death Opens Possibility and Connection – EP37

In this podcast, Nick Werber and I explore how to understand and heal when the trauma wasn’t yours, how acknowledging death in the picture brings more possibility and connection, when retelling your story is unhelpful, the rules of belonging that can hinder us, becoming aware of the filters that helped us in the past but become intrusive now, and the collective trauma leading to competition and rivalry. With our personal stories and alchemy combined, this conversation with Nick gives you a taste of how we invite each other to learn and renew inspiration!