Self – Love Note ❤ Inviting Play and Amusement

When I find myself feeling very serious or getting triggered, I’ve been practicing compassionately laughing at myself. Why not witness myself with amusement? The other day I felt cranky and whiny – Why not enjoy this and allow myself to see the delight, silliness, and absurdity?

Holistic Visioning for the New Year

How do you keep in mind all of who you are in your new year’s resolutions, goals, or intentions? This year I went for it. I felt compelled to envision myself on all levels of my being and in detail. I wanted to truly step into what was enlivening and inspiring in me – in all areas of my being. … Read More

10 Life-Changing Books That Guided Me on My Holistic Healing Journey

I’m leaving a Chicago coffee shop, clutching a book, as eyes of a stranger meet mine. He says: “I don’t see many people your age reading on a Friday night. What are you reading?” “Anatomy of the Spirit”, I say. As I check my own coolness. He pulls out his wallet and hands me a card almost instantly. He says that he knows a great holistic doctor that works with energy. I was a bit taken back, as I did not ask for this, but a few weeks later, as I found myself feeling physically (and spiritually, though I did not realize this) broken, I called this doctor. It was one of the best things I’ve stumbled upon.

Self – Love Note ❤ Enjoying Pleasure

Enjoying Pleasure: What makes you feel cozy and warm inside? What brings you pleasure? I want to invite you to make your own list to go back to for some comfort and warmth….

A Path to Inner Guidance

As I experience life in Chiang Mai, I smell colors, vibrate with the sounds, and feel touched by the many delicious tastes of the city… amidst the cloudy exhaust from motorbikes and songthaew vehicles. Lanterns line the moat around the Old City during the beautiful Loy Krathong and Yi Peng Festivals, which honor the water spirits, the Buddha, and the … Read More