Coming Home to Your Light and Spark ❤ Self – Love Note

When I’m out of alignment with my highest light, I am feeling fearful, lethargic, depressed, anxious, or worried. I’ve forgotten who I am. (Though in the past, I didn’t even know who I was).

I’ve dipped into younger, past parts of me, or energies from my ancestry, that are working through fears; sometimes living right in the fear. I spent so long in fear that I didn’t really even know what being in alignment meant.

Coming Home to Myself

It took me only a few embodied (trauma-informed) healing sessions to open me to joy and to even get a taste of who I really was, though it took a much longer time to build myself so my joy was was easier and easier to access… until it became more of my norm.

Really, a lifetime (so far) of learning to wake up in my body again and peel back the layers of pain. And definitely a lifetime to learn to have more gentleness and self-love.

I remember the first time, feeling myself in an expanded, loving, safe, empowered, and magical place – the sense of BEING ME. I had no idea I could feel this and frankly no clue that I was in so much fear.

I felt my authentic self in more and more moments in my life. I felt it after many powerful embodied healing sessions. I felt it when certain people saw me and helped me to see myself. I felt it in connecting from a true place of myself.

It is in moments of joy and pleasure where I am attuned back to WHO I AM and feeling like myself. It’s like finding the right radio station. Instant relief. I am at home again.

The Dark and Light in Healing

Transformational and healing work is about working with both the dark and the light. The dark is what we don’t want to feel. The hard and uncomfortable. It’s a powerful way to feel like yourself by completing and clearing out anything your soul feels it needs to so you can shine in your natural self again. All the challenges you face – your Spirit desires a new way and a new growth. I spend much of my time working with clients on clearing the beliefs and movements from the soul to body levels in this way.

Coming from the opposite end, you can also feel into moments that you have where you are already feeling like yourself – so these can register to the body and expand. This is the LIGHT. So you can feel more of your SELF. MORE in your light. Then you can be a clearer vessel for the loving and transmission you personally are here to offer. We need to practice feeling into our joy and light. Isn’t that what you want to feel after all?

  • Have you forgotten who you are?
  • Which inner radio station are you playing?
  • What brings you to feel like yourself?
  • When is the last time you felt affirmed in who you are?

Healing the Nervous System with Pleasure

Tap into moments where you felt like yourself to bring you back to the source of who you are: your inner light and spark. Clear of the fears and darkness that may cloud it.

When we feel into those moments, the nervous system naturally attunes itself. It remembers and then the neural and body memory pathways are clearer and easier to access.

The nervous system realizes it is safer to another degree, and may release anxiety or fear from experiences it experienced that you were not safe or not able to be yourself.

Sometimes we lean towards thinking that healing requires grit and going through tough feelings. Sure – that’s part of it. But there are also ways to bring ease and pleasure to the process.

As surprising as it is, powerful and important healing of the nervous system and your spirit can come from soaking in the lightness of your being – from feeling into joy, pleasure, and moments where you felt affirmed or like yourself.

Practice Feeling into the Source of Your Being

Let’s try it together!

  • Breathe into your body and open your awareness to all that is happening inside
  • Allow what is happening to be noticed
  • Let your awareness open to a moment where you felt like yourself or affirmed in yourself, in pleasure or joy in the last 24 hours.
  • Feel this moment as if it were happening now. Notice what you see, feel, hear, and sense. Feel into where your body feels like you.
  • Open your awareness to when you felt like yourself or affirmed in yourself, in pleasure or joy in the last 3 days. Do the same and feel into this in your body.
  • Open to the last week or two, month, or however long you’d like to open it up to. Feel and let yourself attune to the beautiful moments.
  • Come back to one that you’d like to deepen into. Take a little longer and feel the body sensations and emotions that tell you you’re feeling into joy or pleasure, calm or neutrality, whatever it is that your body enjoys.

Be gentle with yourself as other emotions may come through or release.

Enjoy your Spark and Light!

Featured Photo by Kyaw Tun on Unsplash

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Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I am so appreciative.

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