Self – Love Note ❤ Spiritual & Intellectual Body

Self – Love is essential to feeling nourished, thriving, and being at ease in yourself. Your well being is at the root of all of what you'd like to create, do, and offer in the world. Imagine, if we each loved ourselves, what a difference it would make!

Each week, I share a Self – Love Note for you to experiment with and add onto your own ways of treating yourself with love. These include ways to love and care for yourself on all levels — your physical being, your energy body, your emotional and spiritual self, and your development of consciousness. Feel free to share with me your experience and your favorites.

Spiritual & Intellectual Body

The last three weeks, we gave attention to the Physical, Energetic and the Mental/Emotional Levels of the our being with loving and balancing practices.

Let’s go even more inward this week to the Spiritual and Intellectual Body. This is the sweet spot of healing and transformation!

This level of your being contains your “intellect” or ability to witness and discern who you are and who you are not. It’s the part of you that can witness without judgment and see your self.

Here we dip into your individual soul, the ways of being and beliefs you bring into this life – which enact and mirror back to you the lessons that show you the truth of who you are: a pure being of consciousness and possibility.

All of the beliefs, impressions, or ideas of who you believe you are are called Samskara (pronounced san-scar-uh). Some of those are conscious and coming from freedom or awareness, and some are unconscious and living out – ones that have been inherited through your family lineage, through society, and through childhood experiences.

The power of how you have identified with these beliefs shows how much power you actually have! Awareness of all of what comes with this specific way of being can release you from identifying with specific beliefs or stories.

Going to this level is like going to the root of a tree and effecting powerful change that reverberates outward into your Mental, Energetic, and Physical Bodies. I have experienced my muscles relax, healed hip and back pain, shifted chronic weakness in my ankles, and more by shifting at this root.

You can deepen in your true Self with love and self – forgiveness, Family Constellations, Tantric and Vedic practices such as Karma and Jñana Yoga, and other Soul Work and Consciousness – Building practices.

Who Are You Being?

If you’d like to explore with yourself, let’s trace the bread crumbs to a specific belief and the embodied way of being that you are identified with.

  • Bring to your attention a life situation that brought up fear, was stressful, or was challenging. It can be a situation in a relationship, work, or with yourself.
  • What was the point that was most upsetting or activating for you?
  • What is the belief behind this upset? What belief do you fear behind the situation? Some examples are: I am not good enough, I am inadequate, In order to be loved I need to, I depend on my ____ in order to feel worthy, etc.
  • What comes with having this belief? What emotions, body sensations, or impulses come up? How do you act or react when something triggers you from this place of being? How do you walk down the street or interact with people when you are believing this?
  • Who would you be without this belief? Who do you want to be or what do you want to believe instead? Examples: I am beautiful inside and out. I am enough. I am worthy, just because I exist, etc.

Remember that beliefs are not just thoughts that can be replaced. Beliefs can temporarily be distracted by trying to shift them into something else, but they are much deeper and usually come back repeatedly until you heal them at a deeper level. Beliefs are held in your body, the way you move, in the cells, in your energy and emotions.

Self – Forgiveness

Take the next step: Self – Forgiveness.

  • Surround yourself with loving energy, or imagine this if it is challenging.
  • Forgive yourself for believing these beliefs. Forgive yourself for the judgments you have held about yourself.
  • Imagine giving yourself the loving and forgiveness that you need – perhaps that is talking to yourself and giving comfort, perhaps it is imagining yourself giving yourself affection.
  • Be kind to your soul!
  • This takes practice and support at times.
  • Feel free to reach out to me. I’m here to support you.

One More

We dove into one of the levels of the physiology from the outermost (physical) to the innermost (spiritual and pure consciousness). Find the previous Self-Love Notes here. Next week – the Oneness Level: pure being, consciousness, love!

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