This Body is Sacred ❤ Self – Love Note

What makes you feel sacred and calls your inner world to Beauty? To release the outside world and give our souls inner nourishment is to love ourselves and take responsibility for our home that needs tending to.

Nourish Your Intuition & Know What To Listen To – EP20

Love and be in continual alignment with yourself with the most important tool you have: your intuition! Tune in this week for insights on the topic of listening inward and intuition, nourishing a relationship with your body’s messages, and discerning between intuition and fear-based decision-making.

Heather Fraelick Talks to Our Fascia – EP9

Let your body listen in to this podcast conversation with a friend and colleague, Heather Fraelick. As a Massage Therapist and Myofascial Release practitioner, she has a beautiful gift of talking with our fascia, muscles and body, and teaches this to all those around her. She brings a lightness, joy, and ease in self care of the body, heart and soul.

Trusting My inner Guidance : Review of 2017 – EP7

In this episode, I am delighted to share my story of feeling caught up with myself and living my dream life! Listen in on all my transitions and learnings in 2017 including how I trusted my inner guidance, the way my night dreams helped me get to Thailand, incorporating the theme of purposelessness, and exploring how I interact in new spaces and cultures when I travel and facing colonialism in travel.

A Path to Inner Guidance

As I experience life in Chiang Mai, I smell colors, vibrate with the sounds, and feel touched by the many delicious tastes of the city… amidst the cloudy exhaust from motorbikes and songthaew vehicles. Lanterns line the moat around the Old City during the beautiful Loy Krathong and Yi Peng Festivals, which honor the water spirits, the Buddha, and the … Read More