Dial in With Your Spiritual Cell Phone with Holly Mihelic – EP14

A lively conversation with Holly Mihelic who is a multi-passionate creative entrepreneur who wants to elevate the world through the power of words and connection. Holly’s writing has been featured on popular online publications like the Huffington Post, Thrive Global and Thought Catalog. This episode features discussions about working out your intuitive muscles, spiritual cell phones, how to access the angels, and how to have fun getting to know yourself.

Shifting Out of Self-Betrayal – EP10

Live a truer and more congruent life, one that allows your soul to thrive and be nourished. Become aware of the subtle and obvious ways that you may be betraying yourself or turning against yourself.

Heather Fraelick Talks to Our Fascia – EP9

Let your body listen in to this podcast conversation with a friend and colleague, Heather Fraelick. As a Massage Therapist and Myofascial Release practitioner, she has a beautiful gift of talking with our fascia, muscles and body, and teaches this to all those around her. She brings a lightness, joy, and ease in self care of the body, heart and soul.