a{Live} now: Good Morning, Perfectionist & Inner Critic – EP17

An inside look at my waking up with fear, exploring perfectionism, how I give love to my inner critic and inner perfectionist so they don’t get out of hand, exploring the roots of protection and purpose behind the perfectionism, and the inspiration I got knowing that Madonna has reinvented herself 14 times (maybe more at this point).

Fear Has a Place

Does it feel like you have fears that are unreasonable, out of place, or unrealistic to your life situation? A Message from Fear: I have a place. Fear wants you to locate where it belongs- to honor it’s place. The true context in your history, past life, or lineage.

Shifting Out of Self-Betrayal – EP10

Live a truer and more congruent life, one that allows your soul to thrive and be nourished. Become aware of the subtle and obvious ways that you may be betraying yourself or turning against yourself.

Self – Love Note ❤ Spiritual & Intellectual Body

Love yourself by knowing your true Self! Honor your truth – you are all possibility and can direct your attention powerfully – through Karma Yoga, Love, and Self – Forgiveness practice. Heal at the level of your individual soul – which is like going to the root of a tree and effecting change that reverberates outward into your Mental, Energetic, and Physical Bodies.

Self – Love Note ❤ Dialogue With Your Emotions

Dialogue and relate to your mental and emotional being with great respect and love. We often think of the mind as just our thoughts and our brain. In Yoga and Ayurveda, the first mind is in the gut, where information is stored, which feeds into the brain above, the second mind. That means everything that you take in through all five of the senses is food that the mind needs to process. Consider what you hear, see, feel, experience, think, taste, and touch as part of your lived food intake that needs to be digested.

Yes and…

you and..

Improv Comedy uses the basic rule of “yes, and!” When a two or more people get together to do improv, by saying “yes, and…”, they accept the reality that is created by their partner and open a collaborative process. When someone says “no” the reality is rejected and the energy and momentum is stopped. Two Insights we can take with … Read More