Soul Body Retreat: The Aftermath of Co-Creation — EP46

Unlike any yoga or meditation retreat… The Soul Body Retreat was full of transformational prowess and multidimensionality to support women in being themselves in their lives. Here is inside scoop, from members of the Soul Body Women’s Retreat, of what was experienced, what they got out of it, and how we honored ourselves, earth, our lineage and power.

Permission to Be You & Addiction’s Gift with Jill Massura — EP43

Jump in on an insightful and inspired conversation with Jill Massura. We explore the gifts and challenge of showing up as human and vulnerable, how addiction ended up being the greatest gift of Jill’s life, seeing our life through wisdom lenses and neutrality, and inquiring deeper and distilling what is going on underneath our life situations.

The Anatomy of Healing and Expression: How Who We Are Takes Form — EP42

In this podcast, I talk about the 5 levels of our physiology, the Koshas, and the essential understanding of how they work together in the growth and healing process. Each of the levels must be online and flowing in its natural states for true transformation to be embodied – so you feel the difference in your being.

Gather Yourself: Energize and Re-Charge ❤ Self – Love Note

You have the power to recharge your batteries and re-energize when you need to! When you feel drained or fatigued, it is likely your energy is dispersed and left behind, or there’s an energy leak somewhere. Today we will focus on unifying your dispersed energy so you feel whole and present.