Align to Pleasure + Prajña — EP122

Calibrate to pleasure as your compass and embody complete action. Come into being and vibrational clarity — creating from a place that is complete unto itself and likely brings gifts beyond fathomable because they are so in line with who you are, and given in your place here.

Love What You Love — EP108

A poem by Mary Oliver, Wild Geese, a confession about pleasing others, a story about my Father, immigration and ancestry with the topic of “niceness”, a live self-forgiveness of myself for ways I judge myself, change your life any moment, and What would a horse do?

Feeling Joy and All It Comes With ❤ Self – Love Note

Like digesting a meal, a pleasant experience needs its time to run through your nervous system and body to metabolize. The beautiful thing about this is that it also expands your ability to feel more joy or pleasant feeling, as well as attunes you to noticing more when it happens.