The Magic of Going Inward ❤ Self — Love Note

There is the magic that happens when you turn your attention towards yourself to discover what’s next, what’s alive, and what is happening. Let’s stop to listen and get in touch with our deepest selves.

Four Ways to Use Your Energy Wisely and Feel Alive ❤ Self – Love Note

Our bodies are an iteration of the same sustainability problem that we have on earth. We can use ourselves up quickly- in old habits, moving from fear or from an unconscious place, focusing on scarcity, and at a pace that uses up all that we have. We excavate all the oil from the ground, use up our juiciest resources in … Read More

Distilling to The Essence of the Situation ❤ Self – Love Note

The spiritual essence of a situation is all about what you’re here to learn in the context of your human life. It’s about who you are and developing yourself at the deepest levels. Try out these *essential questions* that can support you with clear knowing of the essence of the situation, giving you direction and ease in your path.

Experience Your Human Being-Ness ❤ Self – Love Note

As we change and grow, it’s important to rest and find beauty, pleasure, and joy. To simply experience our human being-ness. Explore some self-love questions that allow you to touch into the experience of beauty and joy. Bring back the parts of you that have been put on the back-burner.