Remembering Your Worth ❤ Self – Love Note

When we bring up worthiness, so many aspects of us can light up. I have often found that I’d taken messages about my worthiness from experiences imprinted in me since childhood, my ancestral inheritance, as well as what I understand as aspects of many past lives.

All of these a part of my soul. A part of my cells and bones – the body the holds the energy of my belief set that came long before I was born.

But can we access a part of Spirit – clear of soul history and karma? Yes.

Is it inherent to feel a sense of unworthiness? Where have we lost our way to our true knowing?

In Vedic philosophy, the understanding of the *Yugas* share the knowledge of consciousness over eras of time. We cycle from Truth, or *Sat* in Sanskrit, to *Kali*, death or destruction; from the consciousness that understands our worth, unity, and interconnectedness to separateness, concrete, and the farthest distance from truth. Currently, many Vedic scholars believe we are moving back towards *Sat*.

Unworthiness may be the disease of our times, but we can transcend this and come to truth: that you could not be more worthy.

You have access to truth, your worth, beyond what your beliefs over time have told you.

Sense into your worth one dip at a time.

Resourcing Worthiness

Take time to love yourself today and try this simple technique out to remember your worth:

❤ Close your eyes or look down

❤ Tune into an experience where you felt even the tiniest bit of worthiness,  affirmed, enough or validated in yourself.

❤ Sink into that moment in time by getting all of your senses to tune in to the experience. (The colors, your surroundings, who was with you, the smells, sounds, touch, how your body felt, etc.)

❤ Notice how your body feels NOW as you access this memory.

❤ Marinate in this felt sense in the body and the emotions.

❤ Bring that feeling into your present day being and let it expand inside of you.

❤ Repeat with another experience that you have felt affirmed in yourself, worthy, enough, or validated.

Notice any emotions that come up that are releasing. You might feel sadness, grief, or other emotions besides having feelings of peace, ease, or expansion, etc. The feelings that were in the place of the energy of worthiness may need to come to your awareness, to the surface, to be moved.

When you feel doubt about yourself, uncertainty, or insecurity, draw back to the experiences you just re-sourced to align yourself back into the energy of your worth.

You could not be more worthy.


Featured Artwork by Candice Wu

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