Letting Go with Honoring to Expand into Freedom ❤ Self – Love Note

Do one simple thing for your heart and body today to feel grounded and enjoy life again.

When I am overwhelmed, I can’t think straight, feel anxious and overloaded, don’t sleep well, and most importantly of all, I don’t enjoy my experiences to their fullest, which is what I am here for!

Does this sound familiar to you?

One Simple Practice

Use this simple integ

When we are looking for something to shift or end in us or in our lives, we often want to reject it or push it. Especially if it is uncomfortable or part of our suffering.

Our pushing it, the force, only creates resistance and gives it even more power. It may even deepen the relationship to this thing or push it to repeat.

It’s time to let things truly be released. To find a deep freedom in the process.

Non-Resistance and Appreciation

To allow an organic and loving process, let yourself HONOR the things you are releasing, for they have served you at some point.

  • Notice what you are ready to let go of or release in your life or inner world.
  • Honor what this was to you, whether it was an emotion you’ve held for a long time, a dynamic or habit, the clutter or sentimental objects you’ve been attached to, an action on repeat, or other relationship to a person, place or thing.
  • Lean into the feelings and sensations of what comes with seeing this part you are ready to release clearly. If it requires anger or force to be honored, feel into this and allow it.
  • Pendulate (with the Pendulation Healing Experiential) so that the body sensations and emotions move with more ease if you feel some overwhelm or want a break.
  • With a gentle heart, find appreciation for how this relationship or thing has served you, your ancestry, your past life (if you believe in one), what it has given you, and the true context for which this habit or emotion formed. See what you might take from it into your life now.
  • Ask it from your heart-space, not the rational logical space, if it needs anything else before releasing from you.
  • Send it a blessing of love and peace to it on its way and ask for its blessings back to you.

True Freedom and Empowerment

Our relationship to the things we have previously resisted show us where are true freedom lies to be recovered.

Where we are able to look and see clearly what purpose something has served in our lives and feel through the energy and emotions of all the effects, we have recovered its power over us and reclaimed our own power to begin with.

Finding our wholeness and empowerment, one step at a time…


Featured Photo by Chris Spiegl

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